To get the best print your artwork should be in high resolution, vector format.
Vector Illustrator (.AI) and EPS files are the preferred files types. It's easy to differentiate between vectors and other formats. If you zoom into a vector, you will see no jagged edges or distortion. If you zoom into a bitmap, the image and edges will become blocky. (Don't create a bitmap file and then save it as a AI or EPS file - it's still a bitmap and would be unusable unless we re-draw it for a fee.) We charge £25 + VAT to create your design in high resolution vector format.
Please contact us if you need any help with this:
The price of your embroidery will be estimated based on the stitch count conversion of the image you upload. If there are parts of your image you don't want to be embroidered please remove them from the artwork prior to uploading.
All files types are accepted as long as the resolution is high quality (JPG, BMP, TIF, EPS, AI)
For all first time customers there is a £20 fee for logos or graphics to be converted into a embroidery format (digitising), this is a one off fee and your embroidered artwork will be held on file for future orders.